Live Intro:

Pt1: Tim Clue wants your focus but knows this introduction won’t help get it. Before he was an educator, speaker, playwright, innovator, or father—Tim was a left-handed, undiagnosed, hyperactive dyslexic rug rat.

Pt2: He's opened for Jerry Seinfeld,  and performed before a former U.S. President (George H.W. Bush), and is a late comer to the title of owner and developer.                                                                                         

Pt3:Tim sees a need to help us all rethink team focus as connection, conversation, and engagement. So get ready to experience his mission, his methods, and a little madness."

Please welcome Focus Finder and mind re-set prompt, Tim Clue!


Tim Clue—FunnyPolling Creator and Developer—is a disruptor and innovator in modern focus. He helps teams rethink focus through engagement, conversation, and collaboration—moving away from monologue and lecture toward interaction and active participation.

An award-winning writer, educator, innovator, and comic, Tim is a latecomer to the title of creator, developer, and owner of FunnyPolling. He has opened for a former president and Jerry Seinfeld. You may have heard his comedy on XM/Sirius Satellite Radio. His play Leaving Iowa was nominated for Best New Play in the country and is performed nationwide.

FunnyPolling reached the finals of the Notre Dame Entrepreneurial Competition and is securing venture capital to build a cloud-based service that enhances meetings through interactive FunnyPolling engagement.

Tim’s mission is to address our most undervalued resource: focus, time, and team.

Team Focus and Disruption:

Focus needs an intervention—and a new guide. In an era of fractured attention spans, Tim Clue, a disruptor and chief explainer, reframes focus, communication, and collaboration for a modern era. This session tackles myths around team focus and presents practical, actionable methods to create lasting change.
Learn about novelty recognition, rethinking team focus, and practical strategies for modern meetings.

Modern focus demands—message up and from within to spark attention and retention of our most challenged but valuable resource: focus, time, and team.

Improv and Improve Teams:

Energize teams with a mindset reboot designed to dissolve barriers and encourage engagement. This course harnesses five universal rules of improv to offer a reliable path to joyous and creative collaborations. Originating from Second City’s renowned training, this program breathes life into essential skills of connection and communication and caters to challenges in our increasingly disconnected workplaces. No gimmicks or scavenger hunts needed—just shared laughter and camaraderie, leading to five straightforward steps toward a self-empowered team of co-collaborators, ready for change and creative workflows in our fast-evolving workforce.

How the Art & Science of Engagement is Used:

  • Keynote:  Modern attention and methods experienced.

  • Hosting: A new way to Segway and engage.

  • Breakouts: Training upgrades, funnypolling, and soft skills.


  • A Team Focus disruption:  Tim demonstrates a set of best and worst focus practices that shock, surprise, and revive fractured attentions.

  • The Connected Mindset: Improv’s 5 rules spark laughter, reminders and reconnection about team focus and engagement.

  • A Team Wellness Moment: Sponsored by FunnyPolling and Renewal Fuel—for cultures seeking connection without cringe, only laughs.

  • Breakout Focus Fixer: Let's upgrade training and meetings to avoid focus mud puddles and lost connections. A practical how-to from Tim Clue.


Click on images to download.


1. Cordless hand-held microphone
NO lavalier, unless discussed

2. PowerPoint Set-Up
Large screens recommended; off-floor, if possible.

3. Flat Bar Stool & 3-5 Water Bottles

4. Tim’s performance is primarily off-stage and instead, in front of/amongst the audience.
Discuss accommodations, if necessary.

5. Set-up as close to audience as possible
No one sitting behind or to the extreme side or large gaps such as an empty dance floor

6. Eliminate Dining & Food Distractions
Tim does not perform while the audience is eating or the wait-staff is working during the presentation.